Monday, March 4, 2013


   So! What's up! It's obviously my first time so I guess that THATS something to blog about! (I kind of just heard people say that on TV) soooo what should I do now? Um, well, I guess I could say what I did today.
   Well, I came back from my dad's today. Yeah!! I really DON'T like going to my dad's. Its really boring and he's a jerk. When I came home though my older brother was being stupid. When my mom called me up she was so terrifying... *shivers* Man...she can be so scary sometimes...
    WELL! He's getting chewed out pretty badly right now so I'll just stop here. BYE!


  1. Heh! I'm commiting myself! How funny!

    1. -_- wow, zee. just wow. and it's "commenting", not "commiting"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
