Friday, March 22, 2013

The Terrible Life Lesson of BlondHeels

   Has someone ever told you to go ahead and hit them, and no matter how much you really wanted to you didn't? Well that was some what a good decision. It really isn't fair sometimes. I mean, if your going to catch someone and they tell you the truth how are you going to say 'He told you to do it? Really? If I said to give me 100$ would you do it? No. Now go say sorry'. So basically, that person just said, 'Don't do everything someone tells you to. Now go say sorry' Basically, BlondHeels, just completely contradicted her oh so important "life lesson".  What I got from that (and my friend too) if your going to do something because a person told you too and you REALLY want to do it. Make sure no one important is looking.

1 comment:

  1. ikr, zee! and here's the other difference I spotted: you had the milk. you DON'T have $100. BIG DIFFERENCE. Oh, yeah, and I'm commenting from my other blog. Made a new one. ^_^ FINALLY GOT MY OWN EMAIL~!
