Monday, July 15, 2013

Virginia Trip!! Also, the Airport thinks I'm a Terroist!! (not really)

So the reason I haven't been posting or keeping up my youtube account or all those other things, is because I've been gone for two weeks. I went up to Virginia to visit my grandmother. My lame grandmother, not my cool one. The one that yells all the time and I really wish would shut up but doesn't anyway. The one that I do like but was, and still is, really mean to me.
  That grandmother!! And the awesome aunt!
  My dad arranged it for two weeks though we usually only go for one.
  Me and my brother go up by ourselves and hang out for a week with our aunt, other aunt, cousin (who wanted to do my makeup and I washed off immediately) other cousin and the other cousin. They just moved and their house is HUGE!!! But it wasn't as awesome as my house was.
  Anyway. Two weeks without anime was WAY to long. And ever since Angel had her puppies I had been watching her and them to make sure they were all right. (When I came back those pups were HUGE!!) So it was pretty much torture after the first week or so. (More like week) But I'm back and I'm SO going to make this month's quota. YWAH!!!
  Oh, and when we were going through the airport they found a knife in my bag/carry-on.
Don't worry though, I didn't get arrested or anything, they knew it was just for cutting apples AND it was pretty dull. They threw it away as soon as it was found. But now my older brother won't stop calling me a terrorist. Thanks Dillweed!! But then again, he did say that Will Smith was smexy in front of my dad, his girlfriend, AND me!!

(will never let him live it down -u-)


  1. XD Terrorist and why did you have a knife for cutting apples??? Your brother is weird... but funny... but still weird

    1. Well, um because, I was walking to school one day and decided to bring an apple with me and my braces and blah blah blah, never took it out, TERROIST!!

  2. aw man, they threw it away? you could've taken over and crashed the plane int- I mean, of COURSE you're not in terrorist business with me . . .

    1. ... I mean. If anything HAPPENED on the plane I might have aided in it...
