Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bye Bye Puppy! A-A-AND Then He's Back.

  Yesterday, we got rid of all the puppies but the runt! We were going to keep the runt and be happy and clean out the very, VERY, dirty garage today! Yeah, happy end! But no. This morning, while m mother was a school, the guy came back (after not even 24 hours) and dropped back off the FREE puppy that he said he would take GREAT care of and LOVE it SOOOO much! Gave it back claiming it wasn't 'compatible' with their dog. It's a god, dang, PUPPY!! How do you not EXPECT it to get on your other dog's nerves for awhile?! The runt, which my brother so GRAICIOUSLY bestowed the name of Keiko on, was annoying the begibbers out of my dog! And it's her MOTHER!! I mean, you don't just have a baby, want a baby, be all happy for a baby, but the moment it starts getting on their nerves give it up for adoption. NO! You don't just DO that! WTF?! Anyway, we still cleaned out the garage and it was terrible, but now we have another dog that we need to give away. Anyone want a puppy?


  1. I swear, if it wasn't possible for le cute puppeh to die in a box, I would have you send it to me (with mummy's consent) -___-

  2. MY PRECIOUS (in the middle of reading the lord of the rings)

  3. You should have had free puppies in like 2 or 3 years my sister said she would get me a puppy or a dog when she moves out of the house.... *flinch* WHYYYYY YOU MATE DOG BEFORE THENNNNN
