Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's Frozen!

Hah, I hope you guys just saw what I did there. Really though. That was funny.
Anyway, it's cold. Like seriously cold. Like New Jersey cold on a normal day. And at the moment I am...well slightly used to it. Just slightly but it's been almost 4 years I've been here and I've gotta say, it's not too great to have random cold at random moments. I'm am sitting in bed right now with  cold fingers and can't walk downstairs without putting on socks because my toes will freeze. Truth be told though, I don't mind. It reminds me of New Jersey and I kind of liked it down their.

Snow wise I mean. I rarely like anywhere because of the people. Me no a people person. Deal with it mom.

Anyway, so I just hope it snows so I don't have to go around being cold for no reason. And the only serious this about it being cold down here is that this is severe for them. It's not for me, but the houses can't take it. We literally don't have ANY hot water and last night and all through the morning the power was on and off. In New Jersey this type of weather is normal, except maybe not so much wind, but yeah.

Anyway, there is a serious cold front so I suppose that you guys are cold as well....hopefully I am not suffering the no hot water alone right? Well anyway, South Carolina, let this be a lesson that next time you build a house two words. More Insulation. That solves a lot. Use it.

So bye then!! Oh and just in case you didn't get my pun title here's a little hint

Sorry, I'm cold. Byezers!!

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