Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Studying, I Actually Did It

You know on those high school movies where the teacher is just walking down the aisle handing out terrible, terrible, horrifying, papers and is saying stuff like 'You all did terribly, you completely useless, pieces of undesirable crap' and then is like 'except you. You did well.' and that person is like ~0o0~  and is all like, WTFUDGERS this makes NO SSEENNSSEE and everyone else is acting exactly like that since that person is usually just there. Not making good scores.

Yeah. That was me.

DFS did good on the test too, but she got a 96. She usually gets like a 99 or 97 or 100 or something smarticles like that. And then on this test, which more than 50% of the class failed, and I'm all like, dangit, I even studied, I hope I at lest get a 70 and the teacher is all like 'Z got a 99' and I'm like, 'I'm not sure who your talking about, but I think you got the wrong class, because I'm the only person whose name starts with a Z' and then it has my name on it. And I'm like


I shall never, ever negate studying EVER again. You know why? Because I studied for 3 hours, and got the highest grade I have EVER gotten on a test in Algebra 1, EVER. AND it was on a test that everybody else failed. And I'm all like.


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