Now the fan
And onslaught of other sports anime with a large casts of mostly boys. Let's just go down the list of how many sports have been covered shall we? Heck, I won't even include tennis or boxing for the early ones. These are just the animes of the last few years. This also includes the upcoming shows.
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They are ready to debut. Cheer Boys!! |
Vollyball Guys the Anime
Basketball Guys the Anime
Bicycle Guys (with creepy faces) the Anime
Swimming Guys the Anime
Track?? Guys the Anime
Cheerleader Guys the Anime
Ice Dance/Figure Skating Guys the Anime
Fishing Guys + Aliens the Anime
These are the more anticipated and well known ones. I also know there are some soccor and baseball animes out there of recent years. They actually look pretty interesting....
One show up there, the fishing one, went widely unoticed despite being a pretty good show. Some might not consider it a sports anime either since it deals with fishing. That anime is Tsuritama by the way. I liked it a lot. The show was well animated, had bright colors and a cheerful array of characters and relationships between them. It was simply adorable.
Back on topic.
I created this because the sports genre is becoming widely populaur. And if you know one thing about these shows, then you probably know about its very, large, yaoi fanbase that goes along with each and everyone of these shows. Every. Single. One.
\Yes, the modern sports genre, althought known for it's very good action scenes featuring the sports, liveliness and lovely interactions between the cast of characters (usually on a team with each other) they are also known for it's extensive yaoi located not so deep in the fandom. Seriously, it's not hard to find at all.
Although I tried to watch Kuroko no Basuke, and got through to the 8th episode or so, I don't think that they're really for me. I finished watching Tsuritama and loved it so I think I'll try to watch Haikyuu as well since it's prasied not only for being extreme yaoi bait, (coughFREEcough) but for also being a well written show.
But if anything else about this is true, it's that 2016 will be remebered for at least one thing, (other than ERASED) and that's sports anime. Look out for them, they're coming...if they aren't already here.
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Kuroko no Basuke |
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