Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mission #1: COMPLETE!

    Day number one of five is accomplished. I have woken up on time for the first time in around 2 weeks! Yes! I CAN do it! I also realized that I sound like the Little Engine that Could. But this is just one step to closer to takeing back my music! For now, I'm livig off of my playlist that's not at home. I am also curing my manga pangs at school too, and in replace for manga, I am watching more anime at home. I will make it through! Yes!
    The thing about today's mission is that I almost failed. After taking a shower I just got dressed halfway and then started daydreaming like an idiot. It's not as if I'm am, but sometimes I do do some stupid junk that's really dumb and clusmy. I just need to be able to get up on time. Today, I got up 42 minutes after I was supposed to get up. A little sad, yes, but I made it none the less!
    Please comment and give your oppinion on my situtation or like, just to help me. Like I said before, I cannot LIVE without my music! Please help!!


  1. -_- Wow, Zemi. Your sense of accomplishment never ceases to amaze me.

  2. DUDE! I already got to mission number 4 so to me I'm AWESOME!!
