Sunday, April 28, 2013

Otaku Weekend!

   This weekend, I abandoned family time and am spending from the time I got home on Friday evening to Sunday night as an Otaku Weekend. Meaning, nothing more than anime, manga, and more anime. Otaku Weekend. Usually for me its just Otaku Stay-Up-All-Night-Watching-Anime but now I just changed it to weekend. Yesterday I finished two seasons of Kuroshitsuji. Awesome-est thing in the mother fudging world. My brother is all like, 'rip off!' 'LAME' because its not main stream. But on the inside, I'm all like. The DUCK is wrong with you?! Screw you, son! SCREW YOU!!! Because, there is plenty of animes that are IN FACT main stream that aren't on Adult Swim. All the anime he watches is on Adult Swim, but, in fact, there is a real anime station that airs Black Butler even though it freaking ended about TWO MOTHER FUDGING YEARS AGO!!!!! So anyway. Otaku Weekend. Try it.