Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kuroshitsuji: One Awesome Mother Fudger

  This Otaku Weekend I watched the first and second season of Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) and I have to say. That is one awesome mother fudger. Like, to an extent. The anime is just freaking beast. Its telling the story of a demon butler like a BOSS. Realest show that I've seen so far. Its almost as cool as Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Bleach, and all those other shounen animes I've seen that are just plan awesome. A lot of people say that the manga is utterly and completely different from the anime. (true) but still admit how freaking amazing the anime was. Very few things like that. And now, my brother has admitted, how freaking awe~some!!! Kursoshitsuji really is. Thank you.

Kuroshitsuji!! =u=

P.S. There's still talk and rumors about a third season. Demon Ciel, holy crap he might be worse than Sebastian!! Nah, no he won't but he'll be one bad mother fudger!!!


  1. I wanna watch it, but you know, THINGS at home.

  2. YESSS! KUROSHITSUJI FANS... UNITE!!! In my top 7's!!! One of my favorite anime/manga that DOESN'T include a whole load of cheesy/cliche romance!
