Monday, June 3, 2013

My Accidental Culinary Genious

  I. Am. Awesome.
  Okay, so I'm sure that all of you have heard of that Ice Cream Magic thing and how all you need is salt, cream, ice, and flavoring right? So I was stupid enough to try it. Twice.
  This time I had an audience. And before you think, 'Wow! It actually worked?!' No it did not work, it tasted REALLY salty and the whole freezing process doesn't work very well. That was the first time. The second time I realized that the salt and ice had to be in a separate chamber. (I basically was inspired by the commercial to try this at home) So this time I tried that and it still didn't work. I spent like 5 minutes trying that! It was really annoying. So then I got kind of mad and just took out a blender and put the stuff I was shaking in a cup into the blender. Including the salt....I wasn't thinking.
   So besides the fact that it was REALLLY salty, it tasted kind of good-ish. Then I was all like.

  I put in some kind of coffee creme that smelled like a chocolate coffee syrup, some ice, chocolate syrup, milk, liquid heavy whipping cream, strawberries, and powdered sugar. Then I mixed it up. I tried a little and was like, hey this isn't that bad!!! SO! Then I was planning to just put in a little bit of actual sugar and ended up putting in half of the bag. Don't get me wrong it was an accident!! But since this was entirely experimental I just went with it. In the end I mad a chocolate mud slide strawberry milkshake tasting thing! It was really, really good. Me and my older split the jug of it. We didn't give any to the younger ones because one, they wouldn't sit down as it is and giving them a milkshake that was concocted with 40% sugar right after dinner wouldn't have helped, and two, we kind of didn't want to share it with them. It's really mean-ish but hey. After what they do to me everyday, I'll get over it.
   Oh, and I put coffee cream and whipping cream into it because it was cream. The first time I tried it when it was ice and salt and stuff, I didn't put in any actual cream because I didn't think we had any. Apparently we did, and I put it in there. So anyway. EXPERIMENT SUCCESS!!!!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i wish i was allowed to do that TT-TT

  2. EEEPPPIIICCCAAALLLIIITTTYYY LEVEL OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the most awesome thing ever. Experiments rock
