Friday, September 20, 2013

Homework...I'm not Really Sorry

So in class today we are writing this essay about PRIDE. Yes they did another VERY stupid thing on the goals of the students in this school. They still have hope. Let them dream. (p.s. I am VERYY hungrey at this moment in time!!)

ANYWAY!! That actually made me think about something. I'm super lazy. Everday I come home saying I'm going to do my homework, and then the next morning being like DANG IT!! I didn't do my homework....
Great. So yeah, I need a little more motivation or whatever. Because right now I'm kind of like.....noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... in a ghost like moan. 

SO~! If you guys are ever online, please ask me if I have done my homework or study. Maybe I'll feel guilty and actually DO it. Most likely not, but come on! You gotta TRY!! Since I can't trust myself with it...

P.S. New schools suck hard. Just find that one friend and I think it will be alright. It can be hard but loose you fortitude!! (vocabulary word ^u^)

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