ANYWAY!! That actually made me think about something. I'm super lazy. Everday I come home saying I'm going to do my homework, and then the next morning being like DANG IT!! I didn't do my homework....
Great. So yeah, I need a little more motivation or whatever. Because right now I'm kind of like.....noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... in a ghost like moan.
SO~! If you guys are ever online, please ask me if I have done my homework or study. Maybe I'll feel guilty and actually DO it. Most likely not, but come on! You gotta TRY!! Since I can't trust myself with it...
P.S. New schools suck hard. Just find that one friend and I think it will be alright. It can be hard but loose you fortitude!! (vocabulary word ^u^)
Did you do your homework? Just checking~! ^_^