Friday, February 7, 2014


This is relevance to the last post. Agents (followers) I need your help.

If you know romaji or written out Japanese, then you probably already figured out that this operation is called GIRL KILLER. Last post I spoke of the naivety of girls and abundant arrogance of guys. Well, I only learned of it yesterday and what Connie told me pissed me off beyond belief. Well actually it was the fact that it worked. So I am here to turn guy's logic into a science project!

I've learned that guy's have different techniques they use on girls to get them to like them. And it's so simple that it was staring us in the face the whole time. I mean it was literally SCREAMING AT US and no one noticed because we all forgot our hearing aids when we made the transition from 'common sense' land to 'la la love is buetiful' land over the time of girls involving.

What I need you guys to do is to talk to the guys in your region to see if they have any strange ways to pick up girls. Just ask them what they do, and if they say 'Be Myself' say bullshiscovicsh and pry for more information because THAT SIR, IS A LIE!!! Find the little clues. The small words, not a full on explanation. From what I learned of my 3 hours of intense research and examination is that guys are simple and too lazy to explain, but they are not idiots like I had once believed. I know tihs because CONNIE FREAKING USES THIS TECHNIQUE AND IT WORKS!!! Guys are NOT sincere and have never BEEN! They're all just grade A actors since birth. So when you ask them ask guys that would have no problem telling you, like a good known enemy (frenemy) or something. Or maybe a guy you sit next to, but definitely NOT a random guy. You have to have some sort of legitimate explanation. And even before that ask how many girlfriends they've had.  If it's less than 10, then go to someone else. (if you really can't find anybody to fit the criteria then go back to the below 10 gfs)

PLEASE! I am TOTALLY serious about this! It's Operation: GIRL KILLER so all the results you get either email them to me HERE or repost it on your blog if I know you. And if I don't email me your blog, I might be interested in reading it! But you main ones know who I'm talking to. Got it? PLEASE DON'T FAIL ME!

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