Anyway, I replayed a few of them
Misao, Ib, and Mermaid Swamp, the evil little devil...
But anyway, after replaying Ib for the 17th time or so, I have FINALLY gotten the good ending. I'm not talking about that one where they were like "Bye little girl I've never seen before forever" and then your just sitting there like TT^TT

Just how in the recent episode of the Walking Dead where EVERYONE KNEW that they should have killed the crazy zombie loving chick. But NOOOOOOOOOOO you let her live!! She said, "I know what I have to do" then you left her alone with a knife and she killed her sane sister. And your just sitting there like NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
And there is absolutely nothing you could do about it. Your just sitting there, HOPING that Carol will let her sister turn into a zombie, like the crazy girl said she would, and eat her butt up!! MURDER HER!! Tear out her HEART! Why?! Why?! WHHHHHYYYYY!!!!
*sniff* anyway... now that that was out of the way, back to the topic of today's posting. I finally got to the good ending of Ib! Promise of Reunion. And all I had to do, was give him the freaking handkerchief. That was ALL I HAD TO DO!! All of it. Aw gosh. So I was so happy and I was so happy that I almost wanted to write a fanfiction. Instead I settled on awesome fanart from tthe lovely fandoms and worshippe- I mean admirers and likers of Ib the game. Also I plan to read some fanfics later today. Bye!