I did of course already add a webcomic that I liked to my blog, yet frankly haven't even seriously started it, although I know a whole bunch about it. I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I mean, I have more important stuff to do like....finally watch Gurren Lagann, or read a manga series by a writer that I read a lot of manhwa from, and ..... um....other important stuff that I still haven't done. Oh! I did color code a 96 box of crayons yesterday. Totally something I did. (yeah, yeah, my Internet has been down so I can't do all this stuff, don't yell your head off or shake un-approving at me)
Ava's Demon is a webcomic that was made around two years ago by this woman whose name I forgot that lives in New York. Frankly, half the people reading don't know her name. It's super underground and not many people know about it although it's really good. The art is awesome and the time put into is a lot. But don't make that lead you to believe it doesn't have updates. One awesome thing about this is it updates frequently. And by frequently I mean that it recently has started updating every Monday and Thursday. I say again.
*epic echo deep voice* Every Monday and Thursday -day, day, day
It starts off with this girl named Ava (clearly) and she's just sitting in class when a OH MY GOD IT'S A SCARY DEMON THINGY!!! Yeah, first off, not actually a demon, if you keep reading you will learn what she actually is later on. So Ava gets sent off to the principal's office again. It then changes focus to a girl named Maggie who is being bothered by a guy who is attempting to tell her to get off the planet. Ava, sitting in the room waiting for her turn is then greeted by Maggie and her little tag along who get thrown into the principal's office as well. Maggie makes fun of Ava a bit, and then BOOOOOMMM!!! Stuff explodes. Yeah. Maggie is unconscious, and that is when Mr. Tall Dark and Stalker decides to take this girl that he was just arguing with away. Ava's awake, has no idea what she is doing, and with the not urging of her little SPIRIT tag along, (not a spirit eith- well kind of) She follows stalker guy to his spaceship where Ava sneaks on board. Watching out of a window as they blast off from not Earth, the planet explodes into 4 large chunks and quite a few tiny chunks. That's chapter one.
This webcomic is set in the future where there are more than one species out there, in fact there are numerous species out there that all live together happily...kind of? Well, it's kind of like our different country's and stuff. You can see a Asian person in the UK but mostly you'll just see the Brits. So humans have moved out into space exploration. Aaaannnnddd that is the run down. It's pretty interesting and the plot line is also super interesting. So yep. If your interested go ahead and read! Click HERE to get started.

thanks, i was looking for something to read~! and this looks SO awesome