Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Vocaloid? Potential Savior of Modern Anime?

I'll give to you bros straight, anime may be dying. Just watch this, and all the signs will be met, so I'll let Gigguk, this awesome dude, explain the ideas of anime dying and slow, horribly cruel, moe/fanservice death.

And hopefully you actually watched the video, because he sets some really, really good points on how anime is dying. Some of the major corporations, such as Tokyo Pop and Bandai have already shut down! That is exceptionally bad.

One thing, it might be because anime is running out of good, original, not stupid ideas. I mean, think of the recent animes that people love, that have come out. SOA? It had the biggest drop in plot I've ever seen, and ended up being more generic than super bad butt awesome battles and adventures, although it had some awesome music and battle scenes, it had a lot of stupid fillers, huge time gaps, and miraculously dull characters and romance. Attack on Titan? All of the really cool points it had....washed down the drain to be taken up in season 2. That key? Never talk about it again. And K-On!. Although this is fairly not new, are kidding me with this? I expected to see some awesome girls doing some awesome songs and band junk not eating cake and drinking tea, and Gigguk would say. I seriously just didn't have the patience to watch this and frankly I didn't miss much from the summary.

On the other hand, there are some really good things that have come out. Tamako Market was really good, (although I still haven't written it's review) and as well as Tsuritama and the (I'm not joking!!) moe based anime AKB0048. I seriously enjoyed that and am watching the next season. So just because it's super cute girls, it doesn't mean it has to be totally random and not based on anything.

Anyway, back to the point I was trying to make. There haven't been too many good, original series out lately that weren't totally crap. Plus, most anime series nowadays are only 13 episodes. How freaking annoying is that?!

 But back to my point. Vocaloid song series have these amazing plots rolled  up into 5 minutes of each song they have. That's amazing, because these songs are so interesting that it hurts! It has your slice of life, adventure, tragedy! In song series, slice of life, the Pubirty Complex series. Adventure? Synchronicity. and tragedy? Just about every Vocaloid song EVER! They only made an anime out of two of the series. One song, one series, and they were HUGE! The hype for the anime that hasn't even come OUT yet is HUGE!!! Mekaku City Actors, is going to be awesome!  So maybe, Vocaloid songs becoming animes could be the stepping stone we need to get back up there. What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. VOCALOID IS AWESOME!!! except for songs like spice. watch out for those.
