Sunday, January 3, 2016

One Punch Man: Episode 1&2 Reaction

*hears something in the distance*
Wh-what's that?
Oh god.
FUCK! Not again.

Fine. I'll give.

If haven't already guessed, the next big thing in anime is here. The all powerful next savior of anime (in the last 3 years) is back again. And this time, it's shinier than ever. (lol, his head)
You have to be deaf or real brand new to not have hear of this anime by now. Frankly, I'll be real surprised if you haven't heard it's orgin story yet. I probably wouldn't even be watching this if it wasn't shouted in my face 24/7 that I needed to watch this. And it was. 

So anyway, now I'm watching the series. And I must say, it is deserving of it's hype. (of course, not the Savior of  Anime title everyone is giving it, but it's good) 

Quick summary so far. Saitama is so OP he can take down any enemy in one punch. Becuase of this he has lost the former glory and rush he had felt when he first began to fight monsters to protect the innocent. To him, it just feels like there's no meaning to anymore. Especially since he just became a hero as a hobby to do in his free time. The first episode is really them just introducing this concept and Saitama himself as a character. I also found if very interesting that he originally had hair and was very hot looking.
Anyway, the second episode is introducing Genos. A 19 year old cyborg who is eager to learn and become stronger while also figthing off baddies and searching for the cyborg that killed his family. He almost is left for dead until Saitama comes in, butt naked might I add too, and takes down the evil mosquito lady. Genos immediantly calls him master and asks to be taken under his wing right after he broed him with his extremely long, and not asked for, origin story.
And so begings their hero days.

So far, I will say this. The show is truely entertaining with a good original concept. Me, who doesn't really like shounens, was extremely captivated by the show. The show was also laugh out loud funnny on its own. It made me laugh so hard, but it was mostly because I couldn't stop calling him Caillou. I mean, damn look at that head of this.

The animation itself was a rather... interesting thing. If first was smooth and set, but the second a battle breaks out it becomes more choppy and ragged. I'm not sure if they did this on purpose or not. Either way, I think that I like it? The music itself is amazing.

FUCK, the music was freaking brilliant. It was so good. As much as everyone was like, this was the best opening of the anime year. I'm just like. 
Nah, man.
But yeah, the background music is amazing. As much as I wanna say that it's going to get boring later....I kind of feel like its not. It's a running webcomic so the creator must have had material to keep it interesting enough for it to turn into an anime. 

I am overall, throughly enjoying this. And will finish it. Possibly continuing on and reading the manga.

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