Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Senpai Club - First Impressions

I've already watched the 3 episodes that are available right now, so I guess this can still count as a first impression because it's only 3 episodes in so far. And by God, are they great episodes.

Throurogly pissed off that I have been on YouTube for years now and haven't seen this show and clicked on it before. Because this is perfect. It's just amazing. This is like Ghost Stories, that being an official abridged series. Oh my gosh.

So anyway. First thing's first. I was reading the comments and everone was so super pissed because of their chins. Frankly, I think their chins are just. Perfect.

So a summary of this show first.

It starts off with a girl! She's a transfer student and it's her first day at a new highschool. Will she make friends? Oh! What about a cute boy?? A boyfriend?! Heheh. Then she runs into a senpai from her school. She meets friends. A hentai, an American-desu classmate, a reader, and a boy who is so obviously in love with the American-desu girl. While exploring her new school she runs into the senpai club. A club only for senpais dedicated to ignoring their kohais. The bad thing is, Hero-Senpai didn't know that she wasn't a senpai and couldn't be apart of the club! But... he has a crush on her?! OH NO! He can't notice his kouhai! What a dilema!

This is just. So amazingly cliche and petty it's beatiful. It has so many ridiculous jokes in it. Not to mention the incorrect trasnlations that if you've been a decent/avid anime watcher, then you will catch it and you will damn well appricate it. Hell, even if you haven't, you'll definetly see it. It's hard not to catch them. An example is when she wakes up late for school exclaiming "Kuso! Fakku!" but the translation says "Oh no, I'm late for shcool." I almost died. They do this in the opening to. Which is titled Light Chocolate Life Love. On purpose mind you. God I love this show.

This is the 80's episode switch.
So everyone knows Ouran right? Well remeber how in Ouran all Haruhi wants is for senpai to leave her alone. Well it's like that. A weird, hilarious deconstruction of the shoujo genre (i'm being generous here for the Senpai Club) but that's the best I can describe it at the time.

But seriously, the way they draw their chins sometimes, it could stab people man! It should be counted as a legal weaopon! 

Not to mention the episode where they switch back to the 80's version of the show. It's straight up just making fun and it's an amazing combination. Not to mention that it's a fan anime and it's pretty damn good for one too. Having full length original songs for their openings and endings, drawn pv's for them too, as well as top notch voice acting. I can't, it's just too funny. 

Another hilarious 'mistranslation'. Sub titles say "What's the president of America's name?" and America-chan says "Kore wa Obama's name?". I died. This was on a Christmas special and it was amazing. Just. Please. This show. 

If anything watch it for it's well drawn animation style (for it being fan made) and the absolute hilariousness of everything. It's poking fun at the shoujo genre and it's an amazing, very well executed work.

So here's the Christamas Special so you just have to watch it. If nothing at all. Just this.

Featuring, Hentai and Sensei

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