Friday, July 15, 2016

I'm Saying Goodbye for Now

Well, it's been almost 4 years since I've had this blog and I think I'm done now.

With school and everything, it's always been kind of hard keeping this up to this point, especially in the past 2 years. At first it was just a stupid blog I did because a character from a manga was doing it and I thought, hey I could be like them. (The weeb dark days.....)

But eventually, as the friends that I had stopped reading it and I got even more and more into anime, it slowly became an anime/manga blog and I've kept at it for way longer than I ever expected and way longer than any of my original friends. I know that a lot of people really don't read this, but there are some who do. I've actually gotten some comments from real live people the past year. I assume that if I kept doing it, it might even have become more popular.

I may come back to it one day. Or even just still have it and just sporadically post to do rants or reviews of shows that I really love, and just want to share my opinion for those out there who are looking for a good show to watch or to those who just want to find someone to share their enthusiasm about the show with, or anticipation.

Another reason that I'm stopping this blog is, weirdly enough, I think my writing has gotten worse. I usually proofread my posts only once before I send them out. At the time, they make sense, until months later I go back and read them and realize that they either sound immature, biased, just badly written, or are have major grammar issues. That's definitely not what I want to put out there and definitely not what I want my personal writing to be like.

And thus, I'm stopping. In short to those who just stumble upon my blog and skim it, I'll put a short answer here.

This blog is on extended and possibly permanent hiatus. Thank you and goodbye for now.

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm WAAAAAAY late, but I'm here now to say AW and I understand and I hope you can come back into blogging stuff! :D
