Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cancelled Spring Break List

I bet you guys remember how super happy I was to be able to spend an ENTIRE WEEK doing nothing but watching anime, and reading manga, and being weird, anti social and suddenly taking on vampric qualities with the need for only liquids and sunlight burns BUT that lovely heaven that I called Otaku Syndrome is coming to an abrupt, sad, and fruitless end before it even started. The worst, of the worst things happened and it's all thanks to my super adorable, but sadly teething dog.

My laptop charger is broken.
As in, will not charge anymore. Dead and gone. Lost to only go to the depths of hell onto Ente Isle where the demon king, Satan from Hatakou Maou-Sama! normally resides. *siiiiggghhhhh* don't worry, I've already shedded my tears. But now there is no way I'll be able to get my hands on another one until the END of spring break. TT^TT

Luckily enough, I have just enough battery power to be able to watch the anime premiere of the anime that I have been wanting to watch for over TWO YEARS now!!! There is NO WAY a broken charger and dwindling battery life is going to keep me from watching that! No way! Jin is supposedly making a new song for the opening theme (if not, he's just using Children Record which is badshiz AWESOME!) Oh mi gosh, I love him. *fangirl, fangirl fangirl*.

Ahem, so this is just a brief informant for the fact that the spring break anime cram list operation is OVER and has a long wait until it comes back. (basically an ENTIRE YEAR!! Oh gosh) and by that time I'll have watched all the animes over and have all the theme songs memorized. (got it MEMORIZED? ~Axel the bad mother fudger with awesome spiky hair and those weird spindle thingies for weapons that will BURN YOU TO DEATH!! ) So yep. Also if I didn't already say Mekaku City Actors is premier April 12, at MIDNIGHT in Japan. Hopefully the English sub will be available shortly after. (the 13th or something)

Good gosh, fangirling is exhausting!! Sheesh....ugh, I gotta go lie down. AFTER SCREAMING SOME MORE!!! I can't BELIEVE that Konoha is being voiced by my FA-A-VORTIE voice actor, MIYANO MAMOURU!!!! KYYYAAA!!! *hyperventilating*

Now I shall end this post by dying. *faint*

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