Friday, May 9, 2014

Kyokai no Kanata Frist Impression

Currently I am on episode 6, I just finished episode 6 I mean so yeah. I started this way earlier when it's popularity was huge and everyone was raving about it like it was the first 3 episodes of SAO. Yeah, I didn't really give it a chance and immediately shut it down. (it was mostly because someone shared the video of ep 6)
It's them on episode 6. Why didn't they think this all
the way through? SO much would have been avoided. So much.

So anywho. Let me just say to why I like it so far.
Well at first I just thought it'd be a little cliche with the guy being unable to really help this girl who had all this power saying "Nobody understands me, leave me be, you'll die" and blah, blah, blah whatever. Yeah well that was the plot line for the first story arc. I mean, you can't even deny that it wasn't totally that cliche. Thought I must say the gender roles are usually switched... Sooo anyway. Despite the fact that it was totally a cliche I enjoyed it quite a bit. The fight scenes were well executed and the motions were so fluid I thought it was a drink.


Oh yeeeaaaahhhh.
Anyway, so animation amazing. Art. Awesome. I love it. SO PRETTY! SO BEAUTIFULLY! So mother effing awesome! Seriously. And also on episode 6, when they were dealing with the smelly creature. Yeah. I didn't like the song at first either. Though I feel that it sprouted and started to grow on me after the second time. Well, since the first arc was so gosh dang interesting I hope that the rest of the anime will be. The art, animation, and music are all top notch and I really love it. SO bleh! I hope the rest of the anime stays like this too. I hope they bring back her little sister. That make for great development somehow.

Also I just have to mention how they continually talk about their creepy girl fetishes together out in the open about these two girls. What. the heck. It's just weird. Wow. They agree on it like Izayoi and Shiroyasha agree on the generally short and rather revealing attire of Kuro Usagi. Except they're real.

1 comment:

  1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
