Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Yet Another Watashi ni xx Shinasai Rant

Another one.

If you want to read my others HERE and there ---->\(^o^)/

So remember earlier when I was all mad about the Hisame and Yukina pairing? Well.... yeah. Apparently now that's a thing. Shiz. Just... wow.
Mami has FINALLY talked to her mother after Hisame goes and confesses all dolled up and crap, and it looked rather good on him may I add, and then he gets mad when Mami refuses him a couple of times, not really listening to him and saying she had to get back to being Akira's "pretend lover".

Let me just stop right there.
Really Akira? Pretend lover? Really? I mean just... How did you NOT see this coming? Yukina hasn't even SEEN you together with Mami and it's been what? Three days to a week? Oh my gosh. Just wow. I odn't know how ignorant a person can be, but you definitley exceeded normal levels. Quote curtosy of 42beleiver.

Now that I got that stupid thing out of the way. Mami and Akira go see her mother finally. And guess what? She doesn't want to look at her. And then Akira is all like "I'M AND ORPHAN!" all up in her mother's face (not really but come on, guilting her into looking at Mami, yeah, Batman, we get it) But she's all like, terrible mother syndrome for leaving Mami in the hospital. And after THAT Mami is like IT'S TOTALLY GOOD!! I forgive you forgetting me. And then Mami actually CONFESSES to Akira going back into the whole your alive thing, and I didn't know your parents were dead and I should tell you while I have the chance.

OH! OH! But we haven't even gotten to the Yukina thing yet have we?
So in the last chapter I do believe Hisame got rejected and went back to his dormitory thing majigre. (Why aren't they in school? Is it like Spring Break or something? I forget..) And then Yukina goes after him into a BOYS ONLY DORMITORY. You can clearly see where this is going already can't you? Uh huh. That's a total, really? are you kidding me? you have going on there. And so, she goes in playing as a boy, Hisame takes her to his room and Yukina goes and does what she does best. Accidentally ruining somebodies life by seduction. Congrats. So she is all playing the role of Mami until Hisame is SO swept over by grief he ACTUALLY thinks that it's Mami until her glasses slip off and hit him in the face. And then Yukina mentions becoming a fan of Dolche who, so happens to be, Hisame. Did I say that before? If not, yeah. He is. SHOCKER.

And so then, his roommates sees her without the hat on and start poking and proding.
So Hisame is like OVERPROTECTIVENESS TO THE RESCUE!!! Outside scene, bulshy, blushy. She likes my story?!

Of course. Just....just... AGGHHHH!!!!!! WHY! WHY!? WHY!!! Whatever happened to the simple Akira vs Shigure thing!? HUH! Akira and Yukina are still TECHNICALLY dating but I haven't seen them together for like FIVE CHAPTERS!! AHHHH!! And if it plays out like I think it's going to play out, Akira is going to be like "Oh no, I can't!" and then he's going to see her with Shigure (or maybe even Hisame if we're THAT unlucky) and he's going to go back and say "DEAL!" and then he's ACTUALLY going to like her and tell Yukina. And Yukina is probably going to be all why Akira? And then she'll get over it. BUT WHAT ABOUT HISAME?! HE'S HISAME!! HE CAN'T HANDLE BEING ALL ALONE!

Oh no, just oh no oh no oh no.....
Rage mode in
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